What is Real Time Threat Detection and How to Master it

21 November 2022 | by Xavier Bellekens

As a CISO, one of your primary concerns is keeping your company’s data safe from cyberattacks. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re already familiar with the term “threat detection” but are looking at ways to enhance your efforts. This is where real time threat detection can help as we’ll explain in this article.

real-time threat detection

Let’s start by looking at the different types of threat detection available and how they compare. 

Types of Threat Detection and Response

There are several types of threat detection and response: EDR, XDR, and MDR being the main ones. But what do they all mean?

EDR is short for endpoint detection and response. This type of solution is installed on individual devices, such as laptops or servers. It monitors activity for signs of malicious behaviour. If a threat is detected, EDR can take action to contain it, such as quarantining the affected device or blocking the malicious process.

XDR is short for extended detection and response. It takes a more holistic approach, integrating data from multiple security tools and systems to give you a unified view of your organisation’s cybersecurity posture. XDR can also automate responses to threats. This means you can contain them before they cause serious damage.

MDR is short for managed detection and response. This type of service is provided by a third-party vendor, who will proactively monitor your organisation’s cybersecurity posture and take action to defend against threats. MDR can be a good option for businesses who don’t have the internal resources to invest in their own threat detection solution.

Of course, threat detection does have its downfalls. For example, one of the biggest challenges with threat detection is false positives. This is when a security alert is triggered but there is no actual threat. They can waste valuable time and resources, so it’s important to have a system in place to minimise them.

Another challenge is keeping up with the latest threats. Cybercriminals are constantly evolving their methods, so your threat detection solution needs to be able to adapt as well. 

The other challenge is that they typically focus on after-the-fact analysis and response. This means a great deal of damage may have been done and recovery is needed. 

Looking at the limitations of EDR specifically, it only provides visibility of activity on the endpoint itself. It can’t see what’s happening across your network as a whole. With XDR, while it can give you a unified view of activity, it won’t necessarily alert you to threats in real time. And MDR can be expensive, so it might not be an option for smaller businesses.

Now’s the time to talk about real-time threat detection and response using cyber deception.

Real-time threat detection and response

As the name suggests, this type of solution provides near-instant visibility of cyber threats as they happen, across your entire network. This is achieved by continuously monitoring activity across your organization’s networks and devices for signs of malicious behavior. If a threat is detected, you can then contain or divert it, preventing it from causing serious damage. 

It may sound too good to be true, but real-time threat detection and response is possible via Lupovis. By placing decoys inside and outside your customers’ networks, we (and they) know as soon as a threat is in the vicinity. Not only that, but we then keep it distracted and away from their valuable assets, buying security teams valuable time.

What’s more, as well distracting your intruders, our sophisticated decoy assets also capture and send back valuable insight into their behaviour too. This ensures you know how you can improve your security posture, inside and outside of your network.

This sounds great but there are plenty more benefits to using Lupovis for real time detection: 

1. It eliminates alert fatigue by reducing false positives. Our high fidelity alerts mean we only notify our customers when there is a genuine threat, eliminating alert fatigue.

2. It improves accuracy. Our decoys help us to create a map of attackers across the internet, to understand the threat landscape overall, so we only get more accurate over time.

3. It reduces the Mean Time to Respond (MTTR). Our solution is designed to automatically contain and divert threats, buying security teams valuable time to investigate and respond. 

4. It increases visibility. Lupovis provides complete visibility of all activity across your network in real-time, so you can be sure nothing is slipping through the cracks. 

5. It’s affordable. We believe that every organisation deserves world-class cybersecurity, so our solution is priced competitively to make it accessible for businesses of all sizes. 

6 It works against Zero day attacks. Even the best vulnerability management program cannot prepare for zero day attacks as they exploit unknown vulnerabilities. With Lupovis, you don’t need advanced notice of a weakness or threat to be ready.  

There’s no doubt that it has its advantages over other threat detection methods but what’s the catch?

Typically, real-time detection can require a high level of expertise to set up and maintain because you need to have a deep understanding of your network and how it works in order to correctly configure the system. Fortunately, this is not the case with Lupovis. In fact, a business can be set up very quickly.

How to master real time detection

Here’s our step-by-step guide: 

  1. Put a real-time threat detection solution in place by signing up to Lupovis. Click here to book a demo to get started. 
  2. Establish a comprehensive security solution. A real time threat detection solution is just one part so make sure you also have layered defenses in place, including firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems and malware protection.
  3. Monitor activity across all devices and networks. Real time threat detection only works if it can see all activity across your organisation’s devices and networks. Make sure you can enable visibility into everything from email and web traffic to server logs and user activity.
  4. Build a response plan. In the event that a threat is detected, you need to be prepared to respond quickly and effectively. This means having a plan in place that details who needs to be notified, what steps need to be taken and how the incident will be resolved.

Real-time threat detection should be a crucial part of any CISO’s cybersecurity strategy. By identifying threats as they happen, CISOs can take proactive steps to mitigate them before they cause damage. Sign up to Lupovis today to get started.

21 November 2022 | by Xavier Bellekens

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